Our Services

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Improves mindset and supports you to realise your full potential as an active member of the community. Can be carried out:

    • by phone
    • in person, at home or school
    • with or without the horses
    • 1-2-1 and group options available
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HEART Equine-Assisted Therapeutic Coaching

Works with the healing power of horses combining the value of therapy in releasing the past together with the power of coaching to set future goals and enable individuals to rebalance mindset, upgrade coping strategies, rebuild confidence and improve communication skills.

    • 1-2-1 and group options available
Boris classroom


Supports the individual by healing past traumas, upgrading coping strategies and building self-love. Can be carried out:

    • by phone
    • in person, at home or school
    • with or without the horses
    • 1-2-1 and group options available

A Complete Guide to Our Services

Training to become an HEART Equine-Assisted Coach can be a route to explore for those interested in combining counselling, coaching and supporting others with the healing power of horses. Although not directly a service of Healing Hearts and Minds with Horses C.I.C., the HEART Centre provides training for this qualification. Enquire here

Provides those with limited mobility and/or finances an opportunity to access some of our services. Also allows more independent students a way of “keeping up momentum”.

Provides home-schooled/outreach students with an opportunity to learn in an alternative educational space; a nature-based, green, holistic environment with animals, especially horses. Work experience and volunteering opportunities available.

Works with the healing power of horses to develop leadership abilities, improve mindset and coping strategies, build confidence and improve communication skills.

Work with the healing power of horses to expand mindset potential, explore self-expression and begin self-transformation. Wendy’s flagship programme, The HEART Self-Mastery Foundation Course puts you on your self-development path

Works with the healing power of horses to develop emotional intelligence, build self-confidence and self-awareness. Individuals also learn boundary-setting and communication skills.

Works with the healing power of horses to heal trauma, build self-love and redevelop trust in relationships.

Works with the healing power of horses, together with the “group dynamic” to develop communication, connection, commitment and integration into other/bigger groups. Also assists with clarifying boundaries and articulating needs.

Information and advice on issues such as dealing with bullying, improving self-esteem, building self-belief and self-confidence and improving communication skills. Enquire here to find out how we can develop a bespoke service for your organisation.

Creates a “centredness” which is conducive to calm and balanced behaviour, thereby improving learning ability and other cognitive processes. Learning how to become “still and present”, especially around the horses, can bring a sense of peace and serenity to troubled minds.

Develops physical ability to gain independence, confidence, body strength, coordination and improves relationship-building skills. Learning how to ride and direct horses can give children the sense of control that they may not have in other areas of their lives.