Who We’ve Helped
My experience at the Heart Centre with Wendy Price was mind-blowing to say the least. HEART Equine-Assisted Therapy truly peels back the layers of limitation that are imposed externally and perhaps more significantly, self-imposed. The role-play acted out by the horses instinctively and the insightful interpretation by Wendy was so real and revealing. It made the whole experience deeply emotional and powerfully cathartic.
I would highly recommend Wendy’s therapy to anyone who is finding blockades in their life that are holding them back. This therapy can truly get you back on track by providing clarity to your recovery steps, as challenging as they may be.”
“When Sam and I used to go to the farm I found Sam engaged well with the horses and ponies, the connection he had with certain horses such as ‘Toffee’ was incredible and very moving. The way they used to look into each other’s eyes was quite breathtaking, and our visits had a noticeably calming effect on Sam for the rest of the day. It was always the highlight of our week.
Having worked with horses before, after being shown the ropes, Sam quickly felt confident and knew exactly what to do with the animals. I felt extremely proud of him and was amazed at how relaxed and comfortable he was on our visits. Often social interaction is a cause of stress for Sam, but he benefitted hugely from the social interaction with the Centre’s friendly staff because he felt so relaxed in the environment.
Despite being inexperienced with horses myself, I felt secure and confident on visits. It would be wonderful to be able to return with Sam and some of the other people that we support as I know they would benefit hugely from spending time with the horses.”